It is a clone of landing page
simple e-commerce website built with react, zustand and with functional cart CRUD operations
In this you can find the different cryptoverse and their price as well as market cap and it also shows the graph for 24 hours, 3 Months , 30 Months and 1 Year.
This is the Unit Converter Project Basic Logic of javascript and Begineer Friendly Project
This repository contains some useful C programs, each categorized, which can help the college students.
Contentify is a versatile content creation, social media management, and educational resources platform. It provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to excel in content creation, streamline social media management, and access valuable educational resources.
Find images of your favorite superhero by typing ⌨️ their name into the search bar.
The Unified Travelling and Transport System is a project aimed at developing a unified platform for all transportation-related activities. The platform provides features such as route planning, real-time tracking, fare estimation, and payment options for different modes of transport.
There are two methods provide different capabilities for sending emails. The first approach allows you to send a single email, while the second approach expands on that by reading email data from a CSV file and sending bulk emails.
In this project, an automatic obstacle detecting car was made. The car uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and avoid them. A color sensor is used to start and stop the car. An algorithm for the navigation of the car was created and implemented on the Arduino.